Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计标志设计-上海包装设计公司
|标志设计 |包装设计 |食品保健品酒类 |果汁饮料水 |蜂蜜

尚略广告,是上海知名品牌策划设计公司,上海标志设计公司上海包装设计公司,上海画册设计公司,上海网站设计公司,本篇文章大家带来Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计标志设计案例的详细研究与分析,供大家学习。


B&B品牌设计公司为Just Bee 蜂蜜产品品牌重新策划创造全新的品牌定位和包装设计,自然的泉水中放入了一滴蜂蜜。对于这种竞争激烈的商品品类,品牌需要创造一种标志性的视觉外观,这种外观不止展示产品优势,同时能够让关注健康的消费者和经销商对产品持有好奇心。


B&B Studio has created the new brand identity and packaging for Just Bee, a natural spring water enriched with a single drop of honey. In a competitive category, the brand wanted to create an iconic look with personality that would communicate the benefits of the product and secure interest from health conscious consumers and retailers alike. 


Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计-上海包装设计公司


New logo design 新标志设计

新的几何图形的蜜蜂标志是设计的亮点。在主体中使用明亮干净的色调来展示三个不同口味的系列,统一的水绿色飘在旁边强调了产品中水的新鲜。在”Honey water”文字中间的金色水滴则表示使用了一滴蜂蜜。 


The new geometric bee icon is the hero of the design, with bright, clean colors used in the body to indicate one of the three different flavour variants and the wings a uniform ‘water’ blue to emphasise the inherent refreshment of water in the product. A single golden drop between the words ‘honey water’ illustrates that a single drop of honey is used. 

Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料标志设计-上海标志设计公司


Growing category 不断增加的品类

作为在口味种类不断增加,功能越来越多样的水市场的新晋者,Just Bee的原始包装并不起眼。因为Just Bee品牌的核心是蜂蜜的神奇力量,B&B决定要用蜜蜂来讲品牌故事。

A recent entrant into the growing flavoured and functional water market, Just Bee’s original packaging didn’t have the brand personality to stand out on shelf. As the power of honey is at the heart of the Just Bee proposition, B&B embraced the bee to bring the product story to life. 


Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计-上海包装设计公司


Natural qualities 自然品质

客户的合作者Kerry Bolt说:“Just Bee的提议非常有力。它很清新,低糖,还有蜂蜜的抗氧化特性。在竞争激烈的市场中它有独特的定位,所以我们需要把所有的优势用非常引人注目的,大胆的标志设计展示出来。”


Client Partner Kerry Bolt says: “The Just Bee offering is very strong; it’s refreshing, low sugar and has the antioxidant properties of honey. It’s a unique proposition in a highly competitive market, so we needed to communicate all of those benefits with a striking, bold iconic design.” 


Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计-上海包装设计公司


Contemporary look 现代的包装外观: 

创意合作人Shaun Bowen补充说:蜜蜂很快就确定来下成为设计的主题。而且关于蜜蜂还有很多民间传说。但是,我们又要确保看到这个蜂蜜图像的时候不会让人联想到蜂蜜罐子上的设计。最终的标志非常现代也很简洁,有着一丝温情和友善的感觉,也增加了口味描述的手写风格字体。”


Creative Partner Shaun Bowen adds: “The bee quickly became our hero, which has a lot of folklore associated with it. But we also had to ensure that the bee image was not reminiscent of bee designs found on honey jars. Our final bee icon is modern and crisp, but there’s a touch of warmth and friendliness to it, which the element of hand written style type for the flavor description also adds.” 


Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计-上海包装设计公司


Perfect product  完美的产品


每瓶Just Bee饮料的热量不超过50卡路里(每100毫升不超过4g糖),使用的是自然的蜂蜜而不是提炼的糖精或者糖类添加剂。越来越多的人寻找一种比水更有味道的替代品,但又避免摄入添加糖的汽水饮料,这个系列就是完美的选择。Just Bee有三种口味—蓝莓味,柠檬绿茶味,苹果生姜味,零售价是1.59欧元。在Selfridges,Fortnum,Mason和As Nature Intended和独立专卖店里有售。


Each Just Bee drink is fewer than 50 calories (and fewer than 4g of sugar per 100ml), using only the natural sweetness of honey rather than refined sugar or artificial sweeteners. The range is the perfect solution for the growing number of people seeking a more exciting alternative to water whilst avoiding sugar-laden fizzy drinks. Just Bee comes in three flavor variants – Blueberry, Lemon and Green Tea and Apple and Ginger and retails at £1.59. It has listings in independent stores, plus Selfridges and Fortnum and Mason and As Nature Intended. 


Just Bee 蜂蜜保健饮料包装设计-上海包装设计公司





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